World Learning's experts are available to speak to the media and for public appearances.

Please contact Abigail Henson at [email protected] to arrange an appearance.
See our press room for more information.

  • Carol Jenkins

    • Ex-Officio Trustee
    • President and CEO, World Learning Inc.
  • Melissa Oppenheimer

    • Vice President, Global Programs
  • Dr. Patricia Harrison

    Global Exchange

    • Divisional Vice President, Professional Exchanges
  • David Simpson

    Global Development

    • Divisional Vice President, Global Development
  • Christina Thomas

    Global Exchange

    • Divisional Vice President, Youth Exchange
  • Leah Bitat

    Country Office (Algeria)

    • Algeria Country Representative & Program Director
  • Dr. Wafa Kotob

    Country Office (Lebanon)

    • Country Representative, World Learning Lebanon
    • Chief of Party, Quality Instruction Towards Access to Basic Education Improvement (QITABI) 2 project
  • Dr. Eva Kozma

    Country Office (Lebanon)

    • Senior Literacy Technical Director, Quality Instruction Towards Access and Basic Education Improvement (QITABI) 2 project
  • Rola Bayram

    Country Office (Lebanon)

    • Math Specialist, Quality Instruction Towards Access and Basic Education Improvement (QITABI) 2 project
  • Dr. Garene Kaloustian

    Country Office (Lebanon)

    • Social and Emotional Learning Specialist
  • Aziza El Kolei

    Global Development

    • World Learning Algeria Field Director/ SIT TESOL Trainer of Trainers
  • Dr. Mohamed Abdelaziz

    Country Office (Saudi Arabia)

    • Director, STEAM Discovery Center Saudi Arabia
  • Wagaye Johannes

    • Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Officer
  • German Gomez

    Global Development

    • Director, TESOL and STEAM Education
  • Dr. Peter Weinberger

    Global Development

    • Senior Advisor, Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL)
  • Dr. Kara McBride

    Global Development

    • Senior Education Specialist, Global Education and TESOL
  • Karla Yoder

    Global Development

    • Senior Youth Workforce Specialist, World Learning
  • Alex Levy

    Global Development

    • Senior Civic Engagement Specialist, Civic Engagement
  • Lois Scott Conley

    Global Development

    • Education Advisor for Curriculum and Training, World Learning
  • Gillian McClelland

    Global Development

    • Program Specialist, Global Development
  • Hannah Zuzek

    Global Development

    • Program Manager, Algeria & Youth Workforce Programs
  • Wendi Carman

    Global Development

    • Project Director
  • Matt Brown

    Global Exchange

    • Director, Global Programs
  • Jessica Ellerbach

    Global Exchange

    • Director, Academic Exchange Programs
  • Emily Ralic-Moore

    Global Exchange

    • Program Manager, Fulbright Specialist Program
  • Rachel Rice

    Global Exchange

    • Program Manager, Global Exchange
  • Michelle Bolourchi

    Global Exchange

    • Program Manager, Global UGRAD Program
  • Vlad Spencer

    Global Exchange

    • Program Manager, Professional Exchanges
  • Eric Corens

    Global Exchange

    • Senior Program Specialist, Global Exchange
  • Ann Driscoll

    Global Exchange

    • Program Manager, International Visitor Leadership Program
  • Jessica Mead

    Global Exchange

    • Program Manager, Professional Exchanges
  • Meghan Simpson

    Global Exchange

    • Senior Program Officer, International Visitor Leadership Program
  • Anthony Zaun

    Global Exchange

    • Senior Program Officer, International Visitor Leadership Program
  • Amirah Nelson

    Global Exchange

    • Senior Outreach Officer, Fulbright Specialist Program
  • Tim Rivera

    • Senior Advisor, Innovation and Strategy